It's my little sister, who I have nicknamed 'Kamikaze''s birthday today! I seriously cannot believe she's four now! (Partly because it seems like she was born yesterday, but mostly because she acts like a ten year old. ;)
Me and my clone. ;) Apparently I looked exactly like that when I was that age. |
So, happy birthday Kamikaze- according to her, this is the best birthday ever! ;)
Don't let her cuteness fool you. ;) |
Awww, she's ADORABLE!! Happy happy happy birhday, SWA's little sis! :D :D :D
ReplyDelete(SWA) She says thanks, Snips! (She was a little skeptical at first that I was even talking to people online, but she's ok with it now. ;)
ReplyDeleteCute XD The artist in me kinda wants to paint those hills behind you... And that water's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAwww! Very nice pictures. Happy Birthday SWA's little sister!!!
ReplyDeleteAWW!!!! OMG she is SOOOOOOOOOOO adorable!!!!!!!!! ;) I love her already. XDDD Happy birthday sweetie! ;) **hugs your sister** :D
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday SWA's sister!!! What sweet pictures! I hope she had a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthay to your sister! She's so cute!
ReplyDeletehappy b-day 2 your little sis. i so wish i had a little sis. :)
ReplyDeleteHey guys! Happy weekend XD
ReplyDeleteOh, and Light and Dark Chapter 3 should be up before Friday XD
Oh, she is so cute! Happy Birthday!!!!! BTW, SWA, I think you look beautiful! (Hope that doesn't seem weird coming from me...)
ReplyDelete(SWA) Kamikaze thanks you all for the birthday wishes! Thank you, Ahsoka_Tano! :)
ReplyDeleteEEE! SWA, guess what? I gave you your 300 REVIEW XD
ReplyDelete(SWA) THANK YOU AHLANA!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
ReplyDeleteHeads up! The next chapter of Light and Dark is up XD Click on my name to go there!
ReplyDelete@SWA: Could you comment as Inksaber next time? That would be awesome XD
(SWA) I don't see what the difference between commenting as Starwarsartist or Inksaber, but ok. :D
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you the difference,'re practically a legend for teen writers (as Inksaber)! Okay, that might be a little exaggerated XD but still... I mean, I kept hearing about Web of Lies from random people and I'm like... What is this "Web of Lies" that everyone loves so much? :P
ReplyDelete(SWA) Ohhhh... right. I actually didn't know that- I've never really heard anyone talk about my fic outside of
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be making a name for yourself as well, Snips- "Expirience Outranks Everything" seems to be doing quite well in the reveiws department. ;)
Snips is right. I used to write humor fics till you inspired me to write plausible fanfiction.
ReplyDeleteGosh yeah, 18 reviews on the first 3 chapters and nothing has even happened yet! :D :D I'm quite happy with all those reviews!
ReplyDeleteI am right, huh? As usual. LOL just kidding:P Gosh, humor fics are my fave to write!! They're just FUN!! I have literally a 1-foot stack of notebooks I wrote full of this insane star wars stuff that doesn't even make sense :P But I don't think I'll ever post any of THAT XD
You think YOU'RE embarrassed? Please, just this summer, I wrote an almost 10,000 word fic where Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan go on a Galaxy Cruise with a Vampire Princess with killer style named Eva! I never finished it. And in it's predecessor, there's a Jedi Temple Battle of the Bands where Yoda gives out season passes to Six Planets Over Coruscant to the winners! I'll post them sometime, maybe after Light and Dark XD
ReplyDelete(SWA)Sounds cool! ;)
ReplyDeleteI've never written a funny Star Wars story. I wrote a one shot where Ahsoka meets Anakin's ghost after ROTJ, I started but never finished an AU where Anakin never turned, and I wrote the three stories I have published on I've only been writing Star Wars fanfiction since april though.
Cool! I've been writing fics since late last year. I'm surprised at how much better my writing skills have gotten when I look at Light and Dark vs. My Very First Fic XD.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to read those, Ahlana!! Humor fics are so... funny! XD I've been writing it since...gosh, I can't even remember when I wasn't writing some story. I REALLY got into it earlier last year, though :) My very first fic isn't actually bad, for how old I was back then! It wasn't humor, though... it was about my OC, Nara Sunrider. You know her, right, Ahlana? Nara happens to be my name on CWA as well ;)
ReplyDeleteArgh... I just started planning a new fic with my brother where we somehow get transported to the GFFA a few months before RoTS. We soon realize that we're going to have to expose Palps and stop the Galaxy's horrible fate. I know, a TOTALLY overused plot, but still fun. I wanted to name my character Fallon, but Fallon Skywalker already did that :P
ReplyDeleteCan you help me choose a name out of these and suggest some others? If you do, nothing common or to UNcommon XD
Here are the ones I've narrowed down:
Tess, Felicia, Eris, Fallon, Sierra
I like Sierra! I don't think it's a terribly overused plot, but it still has been done.
ReplyDeleteI've started the outline of a new Clone Wars story. I may post a teaser at the end of the next/last chapter of Web of Lies.
Are you going to use the one you were talking about the other day, SWA? Or is it a surprise? :P
ReplyDeleteI like Seirra too! It's very pretty! Oh, Ahlana, I decided I'm doing a Nano :) What's your name on the NaNo website? You aren't doing one right SWA?
You read my mind! I JUST decided to use Sierra. Wouldn't it be hilarious if their surname is Annakin, which is what Anakin comes from? XD
ReplyDeleteTeaser!? YES!!! Is Soka' in it?
Oh, any suggestions for Star Wars-y last names?
Pinksaber13. OMG YOU'RE NANOING XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD!!!!!!! Search me and tell me what you think of my novel!
ReplyDeleteWait, what's YOUR username? Oh, and I'm on the Youth Writer's Website!
Snips, if you're talking about the post-Citadel one, then yes. Ahlana, yeah, it has 'Soka in it. It'll be another Anakin/Ahsoka friendship story.
ReplyDeleteSnips, like I said before, I'm going to focus on writing fanfiction instead of Nano.
Are you on the 13+ one?
ReplyDelete@SWA: Cool! can't wait. Oh, and I added your fic to my Anakin and Ahsoka friendship fics community XD Hope you don't mind!
ReplyDeleteI'm SnipsSkywalker (as usual :P) but I'm on the regular site :/ Maybe I should join the youth one too! Are there girls our age (younger teens/pre-teens) on it? That's cool though!! I've never seen the youth NaNo site!
ReplyDeleteOh YAY!! I was hoping you'd do that one, SWA! That's right, I was pretty sure that was you but I wasn't sure :P
ReplyDeleteOh, you could just join both and just update your word count in both! And yes, anyone under the age of 17 on can be on there XD
ReplyDeleteYay! I think I'll sign up right now!
ReplyDeleteYAY! XD XD XD
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to do another unique plot line. I don't think anyone else has done what I'm trying to do.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of unique, I found a post-Mortis one shot that seemed to copy After the Storm. In it, Anakin needs something to do on the ship to pass the time, so he goes to the hanger to fix his starfighter. I'm probably reading too deep into that, though. ;)
What's the link?
ReplyDeleteOh, Ahlana? Which forum are you on? I would join the high schooler one, but you're probably not on that one :P would they still accept me if I'm a TINNEEYEYY tiny bit older?
ReplyDeleteOr are you on the homeschoolers one??
ReplyDeleteAhlana, I would join Nano, but none of my stories have EVER reached 50,000 words, and I don't handle pressure well. ;)
ReplyDeleteHere's the link:
Oh my gosh, that was so sweet! :D I loved it!
ReplyDeleteOh, anyone can comment on any forum. I stay mostly on the homeschooler (all grades) one! You don't join a forum. They're just for fun besides the noveling! Click on search and type 'Pinksaber13'. I'll come up XD
ReplyDeleteAhlana, I was wondering. I often talk on a Star Wars site for Christian girls. All the girls on there are really nice, and several people from are on there. (Bluesaber3, Fallon Skywalker and more) It would be really awesome if you would join! Here's the link if you're interested.
ReplyDeleteHey, I was just looking at that!!!! I've known about it for while. I'm going to ask my parents sometime soon (they just let me get an account; I don't wanna push it XD) But hey, my B-day's in a couple months (well, really January, but it's almost November anyway XD)
ReplyDeleteWell, you don't have to be a certain age to join. :) And it's a perfectly safe site. How'd you find it? Did Snips tell you? (She's on there too.)
ReplyDeleteI actually can't remember... I think I was surfing blogger and I went to the owner's blog and saw the link? Hmnn...
ReplyDeleteI don't think I told you, Ahlana...did I? YOU HAVEEE TO JOIN IT IS THE BEST WEBSITE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASEEEEE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!
ReplyDeleteYES IT IS!!!
ReplyDeleteWell... if you like fangirl fights and frying pan wars and talking about the clone wars all day, its the best site in the world. ;)
Okay, okay, maybe I'll try asking this Friday XD After Clone Wars! Or around X'mas? Hey, tis' the season to jolly! Or we could create our own forum? THE FORUM OF AHSOKA, WEB OF LIES AND SPRAY CHEESE! Nahhh, I'll think I'll try the Lake House XD
ReplyDelete@SnipsSkywalker: You can have any word count you want on the Youth Writer's Program XD
Hey, a forum called "The Twin Sabers' would be cool XD
ReplyDeleteForums are supposed to be a LOT of work (or so I've heard from Ley) YES!!!!!!!! FANGIRLS AND FRYING PAN WASR AND CLONE WARS ARE THE BEST THINGS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!! For instance, the knights of insanitopia battled the rebels in a civil war two days ago... FRYING PANS FOREVER! We're working on a compromise at the moment XD PLEASSEEE PLEASEEE JOIN AHLANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI never had a problem with joining the Lakehouse, my mom practically signed me up herself she was so eager for me to join. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, Ahlana, if you do join, try not to let the insanity get to you. Have you seen the "Insanitopia" topic? ;)
INSANITOPIA IS THE BEST!!!!!! DO let the insanity get to you, and then you can go around whacking Rex with frying pans!!
ReplyDeleteSnips, were you there for the food fight we had in the chatbox a few nights ago? I can't remember...
ReplyDeleteUmm, I heard that writing is like having your own personal asylum XD So, INSANITY/WRITING RULES XD
ReplyDeleteHmnn, I'm having a little trouble with chapter 4 of Light and Dark. I've got a basic outline and a few really good scenes XD But I could use suggestions for small scenes and a few lines... And Snips, that does not mean we blow up the darksaber and make a whole new plot XD
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not quite sure what you have planned for the rest of the story. You could maybe to a little backstory on Farah. Maybe her Master was killed by the Darksaber, and that's why the Council sent her on the mission.
OMG?! That could TOTALLY work! And Vizsla could be all like, "Oh, you again?"
ReplyDeleteAnd everyone else is like, "Wha?"
And Farah's like- Um, I don't know what Farah would be like. But, that will have to be in chapter 5, when they meet Vizsla :P
Well, you could have Ahsoka and Farah bicker a little more. Maybe Anakin could scold Ahsoka, and she could be a little upset because she thinks Anakin favors Farah over her, but in chapter 5, when they meet Vizsla, Ahsoka could realize that Anakin knew about Farah's Master's death and was trying to keep her from making things worse.
ReplyDeleteI have a thing for turning Anakin and Ahsoka against each other, if you haven't noticed. ;)
Hey, that could work! I'll incorporate some of that XD
ReplyDeleteYou aren't blowing up plots, Ahlana?? But those are the BEST things to blow up! I love to blow up things! *smacks self with pan and remind self that this is not insanitopia*
ReplyDeleteMaybe can you do a totally-unrelated-to-the-plot Anidala scene? Because I LOVEEE thosee!!! :D :D So you're having Viszla kill her Master, right? Ohhh please give him a cool name!
OMG! I AM going to do an Anidala scene! How'd you guess, I never told you that?! Well, great minds think alike XD
ReplyDeleteI SUCK at writing Anidala. Or romance in particular. I was going to put a romance scene in Web of Lies, but it got cut because it wasn't working. I put the scene with Ahsoka teasing Anakin in there instead.
ReplyDeleteGood night. Talk to you tomorrow XD
ReplyDeleteLOL that's one strength of mine... romance fics. Love them! :D Good night, Ahlana!
ReplyDeleteHey guys! What's up?
ReplyDeleteGAHH... work is up... school is up... NaNo outline is up...fanfiction is up...math test is up...driving my cousin around is up... AND I AM BUSY!!!!!!!!! :P
ReplyDeleteHey guys XD Check out these siggies I made:
Hey, Snips, look at this siggy I made for you. It's Anidala XD
Ohmigosh!!! I love that, Ahlana! Speaking of banners...on the NaNo youth site, where would you suggest I start foruming?
ReplyDeleteHomeschooling, RPGing, the name bank, the art forum, the list is endless XD
ReplyDeleteOh, thanks XD You can use it as your siggy if you want!